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  51 Brandeis University (MA) 3.6

  52 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (NY) 3.6

  53 Texas A&M Univ. College Station 3.6

  54 University of Georgia 3.5

  55 Boston College 3.5

  56 Case Western Reserve Univ. (OH) 3.5

  57 Tulane University (LA) 3.5

  58 Univ. of California Santa Barbara 3.5

  59 Boston University 3.4

  60 George Washington University (DC) 3.4

  61 Iowa State University 3.4

  62 Univ. of Missouri Columbia 3.4

  63 University of Oregon 3.4

  64 University of Pittsburgh 3.4

  65 Virginia Tech 3.4

  66 Wake Forest University (NC) 3.4

  67 University of Rochester (NY) 3.4

  68 Miami University Oxford (OH) 3.3

  69 Rutgers New Brunswick (NJ) 3.3

  70 SUNY Stony Brook 3.3

  71 Syracuse University (NY) 3.3

  72 Univ. of California Santa Cruz 3.3

  73 University of Kansas 3.3

  74 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst 3.3

  75 Arizona State University 3.3

  76 Baylor University (TX) 3.2

  77 Florida State University 3.2

  78 North Carolina State U. Raleigh 3.2

  79 Univ. of California Riverside 3.2

  80 University of Connecticut 3.2

  81 University of Delaware 3.2

  82 University of Miami (FL) 3.2

  83 Univ. of Nebraska Lincoln 3.2

  84 Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville 3.2

  85 University of Utah 3.2

  86 Lehigh University (PA) 3.2

  87 Brigham Young Univ. Provo (UT) 3.1

  88 Fordham University (NY) 3.1

  89 Ohio University 3.1

  90 Southern Methodist University (TX) 3.1

  91 SUNY University at Buffalo 3.1

  92 Washington State University 3.1

  93 University of Illinois Chicago 3.1

  94 Pepperdine University (CA) 3.1

  95 Auburn University (AL) 3

  96 Clemson University (SC) 3

  97 Colorado State University 3

  98 Illinois Institute of Technology 3

  99 SUNY Binghamton 3

  100 University of Alabama 3

  101 University of Kentucky 3

  102 University of Oklahoma 3

  103 Univ. of South Carolina Columbia 3

  104 University of Vermont 3

  105 George Mason University (VA) 3

  106 Oregon State University 3

  107 University of New Mexico 3

  108 Yeshiva University (NY) 3

  109 American University (DC) 2.9

  110 Clark University (MA) 2.9

  111 Howard University (DC) 2.9

  112 Marquette University (WI) 2.9

  113 Rutgers Newark (NJ) 2.9

  114 St. Louis University 2.9

  115 SUNY Albany 2.9

  116 University of New Hampshire 2.9

  117 University of San Francisco 2.9

  118 Drexel University (PA) 2.9

  119 Kansas State University 2.9

  120 Temple University (PA) 2.9

  121 University of Alabama Birmingham 2.9

  122 Virginia Commonwealth University 2.9

  123 Indiana U.-Purdue U. Indianapolis 2.9

  124 Univ. of Wisconsin Milwaukee 2.9

  125 Catholic University of America (DC) 2.8

  126 Loyola University Chicago 2.8

  127 Michigan Technological University 2.8

  128 Texas Christian University 2.8

  129 University of San Diego 2.8

  130 Worcester Polytechnic Inst. (MA) 2.8

  131 DePaul University (IL) 2.8

  132 Louisiana State U. Baton Rouge 2.8

  133 New School University (NY) 2.8

  134 Northeastern University (MA) 2.8

  135 St. John's University (NY) 2.8

  136 U. of Maryland Baltimore County 2.8

  137 University of Rhode Island 2.8

  138 Wayne State University (MI) 2.8

  139 Georgia State University 2.8

  140 San Diego State University 2.8

  141 Seton Hall University (NJ) 2.7

  142 Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ) 2.7

  143 University of Missouri Rolla 2.7

  144 Hofstra University (NY) 2.7

  145 New Jersey Inst. of Technology 2.7

  146 Oklahoma State University 2.7

  147 Texas Tech University 2.7

  148 University of Arkansas 2.7

  149 University of Cincinnati 2.7

  150 University of Idaho 2.7


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